Sunday, May 2, 2010


Thanks to my local German friend Christine, I've found a compromise for Miles as far as the whole kindergarten thing goes. She has her daughters in a "mini-club" that is just 1 town over. It's still a German-only structure, but it's only 2 days a week and for 3 hours. A parent is required to stay and help the teacher every week, (which will be interesting when it is my turn because all I will think to say to these kids when misbehaving is "nine!"). I feel MUCH better about this and am even more comforted that Christine can help translate if needed. The loophole is that you have to be 2 to enter the mini-club. Miles will be 2 for about 6 weeks before turning 3. Gotta love that October birthday!
I also feel comforted by the fact that if I don't like it, or if Miles doesn't like it, I will pull him out and that is that! I will definitely look forward to the few hours of alone time since we have no babysitters here and I can count on 1 hand the times I've ever left his side! That's 2.5 years of CONSTANT Miles. Moms need a break sometimes, right? :)

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