We took my parents and Miles to the "Marine show" which was really the silent drill team as well as the official Marine Corps band. It was pretty cool and we were all so impressed with how so many people could move at the exact same millisecond. My favorite was the silent drill team. They did some pretty neat flips with their rifles and I can't believe no one messed up once.
This wasn't even a fraction of how many Marines were there to watch. They evacuated these bleachers in formation all at once. My mom and I couldn't believe our eyes. They weren't even part of the show! It was neat seeing all these guys salute when they played the national anthem.
Enjoying the show!
The Silent Drill Team
If you're curious to see what the silent drill team looks like... here is a commercial advertising for Marines. They moved much quicker than this in person, but it's still neat to see!
Love the pictures!